Mr. Bolden Personal Interest

My personal interest are many. I truly believe that I live in a world of 6 to 7 billion neighbors. Regularly I pray for all of these neighbors and work hard at giving total respect to each of these neighbors as I encounter them every day.

I am a resident of Valencia California a subdivision in Santa Clarita, California.

I, Bolden, am“Fighting” Illini from Champaign-Urbana, 1949 vintage. I have practiced Civil Engineering and Surveying for 64 years. In 1964 I became a founder and the chief Engineer for Andel Engineering Co in Newhall, California.

    • My community service began in 1965 as a Newhall Rotary, Community Service Chairman. During that year I chaired the Rotary Clubs first July 4th Pancake Breakfast catering to parade watchers on the 4th of July parade route. The annual event is currently still alive and well.
  • In 1968 and for a couple years with two young sons I became a Scout master with the meeting place in my garage. About 10 years ago a building contractor rewarded me by reminding me that he was in my Scout troop.
  • About that same time I was a board member for the North Valley YMCA that served a part of the San Fernando Valley and the Santa Clarita Valley. In the late 70s I was a charter member of the Board of Governors for the current, local, YMCA. I sat on the building committee for the McBeam YMCA site.
  • In the later part of 1968 I was a charter V.P. of the Boy’s Club In 1970 I was the local Boy’s Club’s second President. During that year, I think our club Board initiated the national change from Boy’s Club to Boy’s and Girls Club. Wow what a great privilege to be a small part of such good things. In 1971 Tony Newhall’s Auction Fundraiser was started after the board denied him in 1970. The club building plans we started in 1970 did not blossom until I was off the board several years latter however what we started did come in time to completion
  • In 1970 I became the president of the Newhall Rotary Club. During that year I met a world of good people from six continents and probably 100 countries and territories in Atlanta the Rotary International Convention. I had not been able to conceive that such a meeting was possible with at least six language translators at each plenary session.
  • In late 1970, at the Ranch House Inn, I was surprised with a crown entitled “Citizen of the Year” by the Newhall-Saugus-Valencia Chamber of Commence. I remember attaining the rank of Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce some where in the late 60’s or early 70’s. Before the July 4th parade for 1971 the Chamber renamed the event “The Man and Women of the Year”. and elected a mate for me to ride in the July 4th parade
  • During the 70’s I was a Charter Member of the Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital Board and served as the chairman of the initial Building Committee until the christening of the Board’s first 100 bed Hospital
  • For the 70’s decade I served on the Los Angeles County General Plan Advisory Committee and for the one year I was a Vice President. With that assignment came memberships for the General Plan Advisory committees for North County and the Santa Clarita Valley.
  • I Spent about 3 years in the 70’s as the United Way Board Member for Los Angeles County.
  • Late in the 70’s I was ordained as an elder in the first Presbyterian church of Newhall. I spent a decade on the San Fernando Presbytery committees and in 1989 I was elected as Moderator of the San Fernando Presbytery of 30 plus churches. In 1988 my wife Anna and I attended the reunification of the North and South Presbytery to Presbytery USA, in Knoxville, Tennessee. The civil war had split the Presbytery 120-130 years before.
  • I have had the honor and pleasure of being a Scholarship Judge for : Southern California Edison Awards, Bank of America Awards, Rotary International Awards
  • I was a College of the Canyon Foundation Board member for three or four years
  • I served for a decade in the 90’s on a Westminster Garden Board in Duarte, California, a Presbytery retirement complex for missionaries
  • After my Rotary Presidency in in 1970-71 I served my local District of 31 clubs for 14 years before a accepting the title of District Governor. You could compare the position to a lieutenant officer in a world organization. In 1984-85 there were about 520 of us in such positions in the world. My District covered the Antelope Valley, the Santa Clarita Valley, most of the San Fernando Valley and Bishop, California.
  • I chaired an international Rotary Committee for voting credential’s in Munich Germany 1987. For that year and in 1986 in Las Vegas I was a presenter for plenary sessions on DARE, (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). During my years as Governor the District produced and $80,000.00 video on DARE and gave away copies to Rotary Clubs around the world. One note worthy user is the New Zealand Police Department. They use the program for all of the elementary school. I was contacted recently for my 85th birthday by two Gentlemen Bill Hodge and Bill Davey who I hosted for DARE training in my home and they let me know DARE is still alive in a big way. Interestingly my son Michael Bolden for the Past ten years is working on a another mutual Project with these same two men to help youth here and in NZ to develop better attitudes, values, ethics and positive decision making tools which makes for a better future for all of us
  • In 1988 I chaired a fundraiser for our District in competition with the other 520 + world districts. The goal was $120 million dollars for a world eradication of Polio. For about 5 months of the 6 months or so campaign my district led the world in per capital contributions. Our District raised $840,000 and the world raised a total of $120 million without the USA. then the USA reported $120 million for a outstanding total of $240 million dollars
  • On two occasions I have failed interviews for Director of Rotary International.

During the last decade I have served:

  • The SCV Rotary Board.
  • The First Presbyterian Church Mission Committee.
  • The Elks Lodge Bingo Fundraiser a weekly operation.
  • Twice I have been named citizen of the year for the Elks..
  • YMCA Advisory Committee (not very active).
  • The local Family Promise Board for Homeless Families.
  • For half of my plus or minus 13 years on the Samuel Dixon Family Health Center’s Board I have enjoyed the honor of being its President. What a ride!!! (note below).
  • We did not sell Val Verde clinic
  • Instead we successfully paid off the Val Verde Loan
  • Opened third clinic at Newhall Elementary.
  • Separate gratis Corporate office.
  • Separate rented corporate office.
  • Third clinic moved to 3000 S.F. in Newhall.
  • Grew service to 11,000 then to !2,000 visits/year.
  • Obtained grants for third clinic, for the corporate office, +unbelievable grants for day to day..
  • Obtained a monthly federal Grant that is approved for the second year.
  • 13 years of Grants from the Elk Roast.
  • 13 years of Rubber Duck Fundraising.
  • Dreams of more clinic space.
  • Dreams of more fundraisers.

The13 above bullets and more are not my fault but the fault of a devoted , marvelous, charitable, CEO, Samuel Dixon Family Health Center’s Cheryl Laymon